


logo Ministry fo Culture (Source: Ministry fo Culture)
USPA NEWS - From September 12 to September 21, will be held at the National Archives (Paris site, Soubise hotel) the exhibition "Renaissance of a masterpiece: the sets of Chancery of Orleans." This exhibition, presented at the European Heritage Days, marks the launch of the restoration of the Hôtel de Rohan.
Chancellerie d'Orleans Renaissance
Source: City of Orleans France
This exhibition, presented at the European Heritage Days, marks the launch of the restoration of the Hôtel de Rohan and reassembly at this hotel sets of Chancery of Orleans. In 1923, the Bank of France had obtained authorisation to dismantle a mansion classified as historical monuments, known as the "chancellor of Orleans," which adjoined buildings. In return, it undertook to keep the hotel's features, including wood paneling and painted ceilings, beautiful decor witnesses of an aristocratic eighteenth century, and to contribute to their restoration and reassembly.   These decorations have been preserved in pieces in storage until a partnership between the Bank of France and a US fund to support cultural heritage, the World Monuments Fund (WMF), allows to begin their restoration and consider their winding on the ground floor of one of the mansions of the quadrilateral national Archives, Hotel de Rohan. The National Historical Monuments Commission has given its consent, an agreement between the State (Ministry of Culture and Communication) and the Bank of France, signed in July 2015, endorsed the draft reassembly and allowed the initiation of work culminating at the beginning of the year 2018, the reopening to the public of all the restored hotel.
French Minister of Culture Fleur Pellerin
Source: Official Fleur Pellerin
CHANCERY OF ORLEANS IS A MASTERPIECE SAMPLE OF THE WHOLE EXHIBITION------------------------------------The exhibition presents a sample sets of Chancery of Orleans, accompanied by a model of the hotel, archival documents and explanatory panels. Are presented ceiling pieces of the dining room and the hall, as well as fragments of carved decorations of the various rooms. Due to French best artists of the eighteenth century (Pajou, Durameau, De Wailly, Briard ...), these pieces reflect the quality and refinement of the interior of the chancellery of Orleans. After exposure, the elements remain visible to the public pending their final winding at the Hotel de Rohan. The completion of the restoration and reassembly of the decorations will be entirely financed by the Bank of France, which thus honours its commitment 1923. The Ministry of Culture and Finance Communication, for its part, the restoration of the facade of the Hotel de Rohan and the work necessary to accommodate sets and public access on the ground floor of the same hotel. On the eve of the launch of dual restoration and reassembly project, which will run until the end of 2017, Fleur Pellerin, Minister of Culture and Communication, and Christian Noyer, Governor of the Bank of France, welcomed the agreement reached and the realisation of this magnificent project, which will rebuild and provide the public, in the prestigious national Archives, an authentic masterpiece of art and French heritage.
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