
Called 22-day strike at Spanish airports against the privatization of AENA

Between February and August

AENA manages 46 Spanish airports (Source: AENA)
Airport of Malaga
(Source: AENA)
USPA NEWS - Spanish unions CCOO and USO, which grouped 70% of workers of National Airports and Air Navigation (AENA its acronym in Spanish), the public company that manages the Spanish airports of general interest, have called 22 days strike and four of partial strikes between February and August.
AENA is owned by the Government of Spain and manages 46 airports and two heliports in Spanish territory, plus another 15 in Europe and America. It recently launched an IPO (Initial Public Offering of shares) for 49% of its capital. According to the latest financial report of the company, corresponding to September 30, 2014, at that time the company had assets worth approximately 17,197,941 euros and had reported net income in the year amounting to 371,055 euros.
The IPO AENA is primarily aimed at institutional investors. 49% of capital offered for sale, only 10% (3.8 million shares) are allocated to individual investors. And the system has already presented a several problem: there is more demand than supply among investors. The minimum number of shares that can be purchased are 27 and a maximum price of 55 euros per share, there is not enough supply to meet the interest of minority investors. For this reason, the company is studying the possibility of expanding capital.
But plans AENA not like unions, who oppose the privatization of the company because they fear that affect employment and working conditions of workers in the company. Against privatization of AENA, the CCOO and USO have convened from February 22 strike days and four partial strikes, always coincide with vacations, holidays and days where it is expected a massive influx of passengers at airports Spanish. The partial stoppages will take place on March 18, 1 and April 30 and June 3. And strikes on 19 and 22 March; 2, 5 and 6 April; 14 and May 17; 4, 7 and 30 June, seven days in July and five in August, yet to be confirmed. Should these calls, strikes affecting the operation of Spanish airports.
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